Our Services


The Property Registration Authority (PRA) is the State organisation responsible for the registration of property transactions in Ireland. While the application for transfer of folios of existing properties is often carried out by solicitors, registration of new properties, division of folios and scheme mapping will also require the preparation of a land registry compliant map. At Sweeney Architects we can work with your solicitor to prepare a map, customised to your needs, showing details such as way leaves and specific areas to PRAI requirements. For the case of a simple folio transfer we can also inspect the site to ensure that the boundaries and features on-site correspond to the Land registry map.

Other names for this service:

  • Land registry
  • OS mapping
  • LR Mapping
  • Boundary Mapping
  • LRM

Why choose Sweeney Architects?

Often the land registry mapping is carried out as a desktop exercise. Instead, Sweeney Architects visit the site to check the on-site boundaries conform with the map, we can then highlight any potential boundary issues with neighbouring properties before a sale goes through.

What information is available in the Land Registry?

The land registry holds details of who owns a portion of land, its boundaries and the extent of land held in a folio.

How long does it take for a certified land registry map to be issued?

Depending on the requirements of the solicitor, the area of the land and the location of the property this service can generally be carried out within a week. As the actual application is made by a solicitor they will determine the timescale of the application. Once the application has been received by the PRAI, it can take several weeks/months to update the register.

I have a dispute with my neighbour over where the boundary lies. Can you tell me who is right?

Issues such as boundary disputes and right of way issues should be directed to your solicitor. At Sweeney Architects, we can work with your solicitor in the preparation of accurate maps. We can accurately determine how the actual boundary on-site corresponds to the mapped boundary on the land registry documents.

Who owns a right of way?

In Ireland, there are many historical, and unregistered way leaves as well as unregistered commonage lands. This question should be directed to your solicitor.