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Fire Safety Certificate (FSC) is a certificate issued by the Building Control Authority which states that the works or building to which the application relates will, if constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted, comply with the requirements of Part B of the Second Schedule to the Building Regulations 1997.

Other names for a Fire Safety Certificate

  • Fire cert
  • Fire Safety Cert
  • Fire Safety Application
  • Fire Cert application
  • FSC

Why choose Sweeney Architects?

At Sweeney Architects we have a good knowledge of the Irish building regulations and maintain a good working relationship with many fire departments and fire officers.

Why do buildings require a Fire Safety Certificate?

An FSC application is prepared to develop a fire safety strategy for your building to demonstrate to the fire department how your building will perform in the event of a fire to ensure that it can be fully evacuated safely.

What type of buildings requires a Fire Safety Certificate?

  • A day centre
  • A building containing a flat
  • A hotel, hostel or guest house
  • An institutional building
  • A place of assembly
  • A shopping centre
  • Works in connection with the material alteration of a shop, office or industrial building where additional floor area is being provided within the existing building or where the building is being sub divided into a number of units for separate occupancy.
  • Works in connection with the extension of a building by more than a 25 square meters.


Who can prepare a fire Safety Application?

An FSC can be prepared by a:

  • Fire Safety Consultant
  • Architect or Engineer who is familiar with the Building Regulations and the procedure for applying for a Fire Safety Certificate.