2021 was an incredibly challenging year, but nevertheless, we completed some really interesting projects for our clients. Here is a small selection of some of our favourites.
Cluain Fraoig
We were thrilled with the award nominations and wins for Cluain Fraoigh estate – an example of truly innovative and diverse housing for Roscommon County Council.

Following from the restoration of the historical Strokestown glasshouse, the oldest one in the country, and its unveiling in December 2021 we have embarked on the restoration of the windows of the main house over years 2021/22 to safeguard this structure and bring it to life for the 21st century.

Ballyleague Housing estate was opened in December by Darragh O’Brien (Minister of Housing) and Conor Fallon (Roscommon County Council). These 2- and 3-bedroom homes are a welcome addition to an existing estate.

One of the additions here is a specially designed playroom taking into account acoustic absorption, reverberation time and sound insulation for walls, floors and ceiling to enable all children to have a fun-filled space.
Fulfilling the strict heritage brief, we were able to draw upon a vast skill set of stonemasons to restore the Kilmore mausoleum with historical accuracy.
With so many great projects in 2021, we would like to thank our team of contractors for their support during a very challenging year and also our team in the office. Not forgetting, also a big thank you to our clients who have invited us to collaborate on some really challenging and satisfying projects.
We are excited to see what 2022 will bring!