A conservation report is often required when applying for planning permission on protected or historic structures.This report may also form part of an application for funding. It forms a record and assessment of a building or structure, a conservation report is an essential tool in planning and carrying out any works proposed to a building or structure. A conservation report can contribute significantly to the ongoing well-being of a building or structure by ensuring that problems are addressed appropriately and that potential problems are avoided.

Why choose Sweeney Architects?

At Sweeney Architects we are passionate about the preservation of our buildings and our heritage. We strive to provide a comprehensive detailed report which enables the client to make an informed decision in connection with the protected structures. We also have a grade three architect on staff.

When do you need a conservation report?

A conservation report is often required when applying for planning permission on protected or historic structures. It can also form part of an application for funding through the local planning authority and the Irish Heritage Council.

What are the advantages of having a conservation report?

A conservation report is the principal document used to assess the problems and needs of an individual building and to detail a strategy for addressing them. To better understand the building or structure, a conservation report will draw together many different types of information. From the in-depth understanding gained in this process of drawing together information, an informed conservation strategy can be developed and outlined